On the repo side of things we're using Git. I'm still getting my head wrapped around the way that it works, but so far have been okay with it. There's a bunch of stuff you need to get set up beforehand, though, so it definitely has a learning curve (and I'm still on the rising slope in that respect.) Here's some Windows config stuff I recently sent out to the team to give them a leg up on things. Share and Enjoy.
Here's some help with getting Git up and running under Windows. If you run into problems, let me know and I'll see what I can do to help.
Tools you need to set up Git and repo access under Windows:
SSH agent:
http://code.google.com/p/msysgit/downloads/detail?name= Git-1.7.4-preview20110204.exe
Extract the putty files to a directory. Run PuttyGen. You'll use this for generating a private & public key that is required for checking files to the host server. Give it a key comment... I use tim@MY_MACHINE. Save the .ppk off. Don't bother saving the public key off -- if you ever need it in the future, just run PuttyGen and load in your .ppk file to get a copy. Copy & paste the public key -- you'll be using this on Assembla.
The Git Repo hosting is on Assembla.com. You'll need to register there to access the space that I've created for the Pazaak game.
For adding SSH keys:
1) Login
2) Click on "Profile"
3) Scroll down and add a key under the Git repo
If you want to create a project space for yourself:
1) Login
2) Click on "Spaces"
3) Click on "Create a new space"
4) Click on "See all workspace configurations"
5) Click on "Select" next to "Free Git Repository - Unlimited commercial uers" (sic)
6) Give it a name
7) Click on "Create the Space"
Git on Windows
When prompted, tell it you want to use plink. Plink is part of the putty.zip file above.
1) Download & install the msysgit preview.
2) Download & install TortoiseGIT
3) Use TortoiseGIT to create a local repo
4) On Assembla, click on the space you are interested in
5) Reference the Git URL for that space from within Tortoise
6) Do a pull from the server repo to your local repo and you should be good to go (right-click on the dir, TortoiseGit > Pull etc.)
7) In Eclipse, just do an Import... > From Existing Projects
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