Sunday, November 25, 2012

libgdx and iOS deployment quest - Part II

I got SourceTree installed and cloning my repos, but didn't care for how it operated since I'm used to the TortoiseHg work flow.  Additionally, I noticed that it didn't set up 'hg' to be run from the command line by default.  I could do a "hg clone" from the terminal which is sometimes useful versus using a GUI to do all the heavy lifting.

I did some more searching and came across this page: I came across this before as I was looking at my Hg options but didn't pursue it because the steps look way too involved and I wanted a pre-packaged approach to getting things running.  It turns out there are actually several different approaches at getting TortoiseHg running that are listed on this page... they just aren't presented very well to make you realize that.

At any rate, if you scroll down, you'll see instructions for installing things using HomeBrew.  They were very easy and very straightforward.  I only had a couple of hiccups where I tried to run the command and the instruction failed because it expected that I was running as root instead of a standard user.  Boiling things down, here's what I did:
  1. Install Xcode from App Store
  2. ruby -e "$(curl -fsSkL"
  3. brew doctor
  4. Open Xcode → Preferences → Downloads → Install command line tools
  5. Set up .bash_profile as specified on the Wiki page (BREW setup, etc.)
  6. brew install pyqt
  7. brew install qscintilla2
  8. sudo easy_install pip
  9. sudo pip install Pygments iniparse Mercurial
  10. hg clone ~/Documents/TortoiseHg
  11. cd ~/Documents/TortoiseHg
  12. ./thg
Success! Although it doesn't appear to have Finder integration, like the Windows version and its Windows Explorer integration, it does work and present me with the TortoiseHg Workbench I'm extremely familiar with.


Next up, to see if I can get my Outbreak: Zombie Slots running with Eclipse on the Mac platform.

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